Thursday, November 5, 2009

Magic Poop Collector

We have yet to find anyone who has actually used this product so at this time, a hands on evaluation is not possible. Instead, we have made a sincere effort to analyze the video footage and have come to the following conclusions.

Although the product may function as described its physical appearance will eliminate any dignity your dog may of had!

The POOP SACK appears to have a snap release and that quick, jarring motion could fling poo chunks in random directions. Chunks could land in various parts of the surrounding area including (but not limited to), your face and mouth. Proceed with caution.

Most dogs have the ability to lick their own anus and if not trained properly, will probably remove the POOP SACK at their own leisure. If the dog is left unsupervised this violent licking and chewing removal could result in POO CHUNK SCATTER!

Other then these minor setbacks we recommend the POOP SACK!

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